Friday, October 11, 2013

(with the focus on principal roles)


This is the PILOT SEASON PREP CLASS you said you needed, you wanted and you asked for.

One Day  | 10 hours
  • Intensive Cold Reading
  • Intensive Script Analysis
  • You will shed your bad habits
  • You will find your core essence and unique voice
  • You will light the fire under your work so you hit the casting room hard and YOU MAKE AN IMPACT!
Class Hours:  9:00 A  - 7:00 P  (lunch break midway)

Cost: $350.00  - (Too expensive?? Did you know that if you book only ONE job after this class it will pay for the class10x over!)

Bring your mobile recording devices to record your own work as you go throughout the day.
The day ends with a 30 minute discussion. Parents of enrolled student who want to attend should arrive back at the studio in time for discussion.

There are only 20 spaces available in each class.

Ages 16 and up
Saturday January 4, 2014

Kids and Teens
Ages 9 - 15
Sunday January 5, 2014


Online via PayPal or by paper Registration form.







  • Intensive Cold Reading
  • Intensive Script Analysis
  • You will shed your bad habits
  • You will find your core essence, your unique voice
  • You will light the fire under your work so you hit the casting room hard and YOU MAKE AN IMPACT!
Class Hours:  10:00 A - 6:00 P  (lunch break midway)

Cost: $200.00  - (booking ONE role as a result of this class more than pays back the cost of the class. Easy.)

Bring your mobile recording devices to record your own work as you go throughout the day.
The day ends with a 30 minute discussion. Parents of enrolled student who want to attend should arrive back at the studio in time for discussion.

There are only 20 spaces available in each class.

Ages 18 and up
Saturday January 11, 2014

Kids and Teens
Ages 12 - 17
Sunday January 12, 2014

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jim Moody Intensive Scene Study Workshop RETURNS!



THE JULIARD SCHOOL, Masters in Theatre


for this annual intensive scene study workshop.

This IS the workshop you don't want to miss, however, 
the spaces are very limited.

Film and Television credits include:
  • Law and Order
  • Law and Order Criminal Intent
  • Law and Order SVU
  • Third Watch 
  • 28 Days
  • The Best Man
  • Celebrity
  • New York Undercover
  • Lean on Me
  • Bad Boys 
  • D.C. Cab 
  • Fame 
  • The Last Dragon 
  • Fighting Back 
  • Personal Best 
  • Night Falls on Manhattan  
  • Who’s the Man
and many more.

Mr. Moody will be teaching his intensive workshop in Scene Study again this October. 
The workshop is for ages 16 and over

This is not a beginner workshop, only those with
some previous experience and/or training should attend.
DATE: Sunday, October 20th 2013 
TIME: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
COST: $150.00
LOCATION: The Company Acting Studio
Deadline for registration: October 6th 2013 – Registration form on website HERE.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Few Spaces Available

Attention - Beginning Adult Actors!
We have a few spaces available in the Level I program to start September. Book your space asap!
All Level I info is on the website HERE

Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Article Series...starts July 2!


We've created, 'Follow Kyle', a new article series following the fictitious acting student as he trains in the craft and learns the business.

For some, the concepts will be brand new so let the article serve as an introduction to real acting training. For others, those concepts will be reminders of the foundational training they already have.

Regardless of where you are in your training and career, we
hope the articles will be of some benefit to you.

The series will begin being delivered on July 2 and will be available for download on our website after each article is posted.
There will be 2 articles per month through the end of the year.

To your success in 2013 and beyond!

The Company Acting Studio

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Back Together Again!

Back Together Again 
for the Final time (for Adult Actors) 
in 2013!!

Lisina Stoneburner and Joy Pervis

Professionals raising the bar
in the southeast

This unique seminar is designed to give you straight talk from the pros who know.
The inside stories, the truth about what matters and what doesn't, the information you need personally and professionally to move forward in the film and tv industry.

DATE: Saturday August 10, 2013

TIME: 7:00-9:00 PM

COST: $25.00

Between Lisina and Joy, the amount of working talent in major roles across the country is unmatched. It is no wonder they are the most sought after coach and agent for actors in the region.

They believe the proper and honest information should be available to actors without having to break the bank to get it. They hate hearing about over-charging and absurdly expensive workshops and seminars and work together to create ways to combat this.

"Actors have enough expenses and need some guidance and advice every now and then from professionals who genuinely want to help, see the industry flourish and watch actors succeed," say them both.

The cost of this evening is very affordable and always will be.

COST: $25 per ticket

This buys you one seat.

Click HERE for all details and to buy your ticket online via PayPal (no PayPal account required).



Monday, April 29, 2013

Soundstages...Soundstages and More Soundstages!

Soundstages are being built all over Georgia. They'll have to be filled with productions meaning actors will need to be hired. It's important to know that these actors can come from here or ANYWHERE. That should be heard again.

The actors can come from our region or ANYWHERE.

Obviously it would be better, and more importantly from a production standpoint - cheaper, to hire local talent whenever possible. They can only do this if the talent is here, ready and able to work.
Jobs will be available. It’s totally up to the actors in our area to prove they have the skills to handle the jobs. Once that starts happening on a consistent basis productions will look here first before going outside of our area. Currently they still look to LA first.

We ALL (acting teachers, agents, casting directors, actors, etc.)  have a job to do. Our job is to change that, to give the world a new perception of our region and the talent in it.

Simple to say but not easy to do. It will take alot of work but we definitely have the talent in our region to accomplish this.

Our students have been hard at work for years. The number of films, commercials, etc. the students at our school have booked since our inception is pretty amazing. Now that more opportunities are here that booking ratio is growing rapidly! Our student actors are very good. They appreciate the craft and they put the work in. The results are showing.

Learn your craft. Either start training or get back into training NOW!!!!
Find the training program at our school that is right for you. HERE.

For info on the most recent proposed soundstage complex, the article is HERE. Check it out.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Importance of Indie and Student Films

As an actor, you are in the middle of an exceptional time in the history of technology. The current advances have made it incredibly easy and affordable to shoot films on small budgets and there is great work out there just waiting to be brought to life.

We have an abundance of student and independent film opportunities in our area right now. That’s extremely encouraging – a thriving artist community means change and growth and progress and it’s especially helpful to actors that are building their careers. Here are several reasons why you should be diligent in your search for these projects.

1. You get to put your craft to work, to see what of your technique is working and what’s not. Knowing this means being able to go back into your acting class with a renewed focus or at least ready to ask some more probing questions. You really want to get your money’s worth in your training – go into class WANTING as opposed to just getting. Makes a huge difference.

2. You get to work with other actors, directors, writers and crew that are at the same stage of a career in their field as you are in yours. You’d be surprised how many relationships formed on these sets last for years and years. And… these are the next wave of the big names in the industry.

3. You get credits for your resume. Maybe not everyone will flock to see the film if it’s being shown but you now have gold on your resume. What that credit proves is TRUST. Someone trusted you with a role in their project. That’s a big deal. Imagine being the creator of the film – you only want the best you can possibly get right? If you auditioned and they chose you - that says something. Directors, producers, agents – they take notice of that.

4. If your film screens somewhere that presents a great chance for you to get family and friends out to see it and support you. That kind of support sustains actors during the career. As an artist our lives are full of ups and downs, high times and lean so having people around us that believe in us is vitally important. When you do have those people – appreciate them. It is far easier in this world to be a cynic; to choose to want people to fail, and much harder to find those that cheer you on.

5. If you get a copy of the film you now have material for a reel and the reel is used to make getting the next job easier.

Most of these films are shot over a weekend or some other very short period of time so your commitment will be minimal but the payoff is extremely valuable.

Everyone in our industry needs the others to help further their careers. Get out there and be a part of your industry. Put your craft to work regardless of where you’re at in the learning process.

Actors ACT.


You should definitely get the e-Guide for The First Time Actor. It’s a downloadable guide available on our website for only $10. No matter where you are in your career, beginner or working pro, this guide has valuable information in it designed to save you time, money and frustration as you pursue your life as an actor. Written by Executive Director and Founder of The Company Acting Studio – Lisina Stoneburner.
Click HERE to go to our online store and click the e-Guides link on the LEFT.

For more information on the acting programs, workshops and seminars at The Company Acting Studio please visit or call 404-607-1626.

And remember....
No appointment necessary to TOUR the school.
Tour Days & Times:
Monday's and Wednesdays 2 - 5 PM
Thursday's 2- 7 PM
Saturday's 9 A - 12 P

Copyright 2013 | The Company Acting Studio, LLC

If you would like to repost, distribute or use this article in any way please contact John Stoneburner at

Friday, April 5, 2013

Summer Camp - Enrolling Now!

Summer Camp enrollment is in full swing! Another summer with TWO amazing camps.

Our Love to Act camp is perfect for anyone interested in the craft of acting. Campers will work on the following skills:

* Improvisation
* Scene Work both on stage and on-camera
* Movement
* Comedy
* Drama
And we end the week with an awesome variety show performed in our 100 seat house theatre!

All details including how to enroll, cost, age groups and schedule are on the website HERE.

For our campers interested mainly in Film and TV work we have our Film / TV Camp!
Campers will work the following skills:

* On-Camera Scene Work with film and TV material
* Audition Technique
* Rehearsal Process
And we end the week with a live showcase in front of Atlanta Talent Agent Joy Pervis of J. Pervis Talent.

All details including how to enroll, cost, age groups and schedule are on the website HERE.

We look forward to spending some time with you this summer!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Joy Pervis and Lisina Stoneburner - Together!

Don't miss this seminar Parents and Kids / Teens. This unique seminar is designed to give you straight talk from the pros who know. It is divided throughout the year between Adults and Parents & Kids. The inside stories, the truth about what matters and what doesn't, the information you need personally and professionally to move forward in the film and tv industry. Check out all the details on the website HERE. Get your seat asap. These two are extremely popular and this seminar is likely to sell out.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pics from Inside TCAS w/ Jasmine Guy

A super huge THANK YOU to Jasmine Guy for coming out and being a part of our Inside The Company Acting Studio series. She was so giving and so fantastic!! I know all those in attendance enjoyed it immensely so here are a few pics from the evening. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jasmine Guy at The Company!

Coming up fast -- our Inside The Company Acting Studio series continues with actor-dancer-director Jasmine Guy! Saturday January 26, 2013. Tickets only $25 per seat. This is a MUST ATTEND event!! Details and tickets HERE.