As an actor, you are in the middle of an exceptional time in the history of technology. The current advances have made it incredibly easy and affordable to shoot films on small budgets and there is great work out there just waiting to be brought to life.
We have an abundance of student and independent film opportunities in our area right now. That’s extremely encouraging – a thriving artist community means change and growth and progress and it’s especially helpful to actors that are building their careers. Here are several reasons why you should be diligent in your search for these projects.
1. You get to put your craft to work, to see what of your technique is working and what’s not. Knowing this means being able to go back into your acting class with a renewed focus or at least ready to ask some more probing questions. You really want to get your money’s worth in your training – go into class WANTING as opposed to just getting. Makes a huge difference.
2. You get to work with other actors, directors, writers and crew that are at the same stage of a career in their field as you are in yours. You’d be surprised how many relationships formed on these sets last for years and years. And… these are the next wave of the big names in the industry.
3. You get credits for your resume. Maybe not everyone will flock to see the film if it’s being shown but you now have gold on your resume. What that credit proves is TRUST. Someone trusted you with a role in their project. That’s a big deal. Imagine being the creator of the film – you only want the best you can possibly get right? If you auditioned and they chose you - that says something. Directors, producers, agents – they take notice of that.
4. If your film screens somewhere that presents a great chance for you to get family and friends out to see it and support you. That kind of support sustains actors during the career. As an artist our lives are full of ups and downs, high times and lean so having people around us that believe in us is vitally important. When you do have those people – appreciate them. It is far easier in this world to be a cynic; to choose to want people to fail, and much harder to find those that cheer you on.
5. If you get a copy of the film you now have material for a reel and the reel is used to make getting the next job easier.
Most of these films are shot over a weekend or some other very short period of time so your commitment will be minimal but the payoff is extremely valuable.
Everyone in our industry needs the others to help further their careers. Get out there and be a part of your industry. Put your craft to work regardless of where you’re at in the learning process.
Actors ACT.
You should definitely get the e-Guide for The First Time Actor. It’s a downloadable guide available on our website for only $10. No matter where you are in your career, beginner or working pro, this guide has valuable information in it designed to save you time, money and frustration as you pursue your life as an actor. Written by Executive Director and Founder of The Company Acting Studio – Lisina Stoneburner.
Click HERE to go to our online store and click the e-Guides link on the LEFT.
For more information on the acting programs, workshops and seminars at The Company Acting Studio please visit or call 404-607-1626.
And remember....
No appointment necessary to TOUR the school.
Tour Days & Times:
Monday's and Wednesdays 2 - 5 PM
Thursday's 2- 7 PM
Saturday's 9 A - 12 P
Copyright 2013 | The Company Acting Studio, LLC
If you would like to repost, distribute or use this article in any way please contact John Stoneburner at